Monday, June 3, 2013

No Cure for The Beetus

Almost every day I have a friend or family member tell me about a new medical advance for diabetes. Most recently it was a call from my mom. For those of you who know Pat, you know that she is a brilliant woman, but she has a fear of technology. Her cell phone gives her hives, just looking at her laptop makes her palms sweaty, and her photography skills with a digital camera...well, there's room for improvement. The day she learned to do email attachments we literally threw a mini-celebration.

So imagine my dear, sweet mom trying to explain about the new science behind nano particle injections to cure diabetes. I knew things were going to get interesting when our conversation started with, "You know those nano-cite things like they have on Revolution?" "Uh, yes." "Well they are using those same types of things to cure diabetes! It already works in mice! It should be ready for humans in 1-2 years! Don't worry, I took notes." She really did take notes. GOOD notes may I add! Thanks mom!

In other news, I can tell you who will NOT be curing diabetes. This kid:

For a long while now he has said he wanted to be a baker when he grew up. I have no idea where he got the idea to become a baker. More recently however, he announced that he did not want to be a baker anymore, he wanted to be a scientist so he could do experiments. The first time he ever mentioned becoming a scientist I said, "You SHOULD become a scientist. You can cure The Beetus!" His response, "Nah. I like you having The Beetus 'cuz love getting to watch you poke your finger, and if you didn't have The Beetus I wouldn't get to tell you where to do your shots!" I often let him pick my injection site (stomach, thigh, booty, arm). While most people cringe at watching someone take a blood glucose reading or do a shot, Skeeter is FASCINATED. He literally gets so close to wherever I am doing the shot that I can feel his breath. His eyes are like saucers and when I poke in the needle he says "Whoo hoo!" like it is Christmas morning. What a poot.

He has remained adamant that, while he would become a scientist, he would NOT be curing The Beetus. Most recently, when I asked him to please grow up and invent a cure, he said, "Ugh. Tates. You act like your Beetus is such a big deal." Then he rolled his eyes as if to say, "Sheesh. Drama queen!" So, while we may be on the precipice for a cure for The Beetus, it will NOT becoming from our house. 

In other Beetus news, I got my CGM today! As anyone who knows me knows, I am a hugger. I was so pumped when the Fed Ex lady knocked on the door that I did a "Woot! Woot!" Followed by a hug. Whatevs. I have no shame. I hug everyone. If the Fed Ex lady wasn't prepared for it, I am not to blame. For those of you confused about a CGM, it is a continuous glucose monitor. It means I don't have to poke my finger to test my blood sugar a zillion times a day. Plus, it comes in PINK! With just the perfect hint of sparkles. 

Admit it, there is just this teeny part of you that thinks, "I want a teeny sparkly glucose monitor!" I know, I know. I make The Beetus look good!

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