Sunday, June 9, 2013

New Baby

My friend crush, Diabetic Danica,
once mentioned that having a CGM was like having a baby monitor for your diabetes. At the time I was like, "That is a super weird analogy Danica (I refer to her on a first name basis, because in my head we are already besties)." 

But now that I have my very own CGM, I realize it is the perfect analogy! I feel like a new mom. My baby is Baby Diabetes, and my baby monitor is my CGM. 
Most of the time my baby is very well behaved. As long as I eat right, exercise, and take my shot at night I am good to go. But occasionally Baby Di can get a little needy. If she is ever going to misbehave, it is guaranteed to be during the middle of the night. 

For instance, last night I spent the night at my parents' house with Skeeter. My "baby monitor" started beeping at midnight telling me I was low.
The upside of having The Beetus is that it gives you the right to do some midnight snacking, and I LOVE a good snack! 

So I popped out of bed and went to the kitchen where I helped myself to a few crackers and some peanut butter. Then I went back to bed. A mere 15 minutes later, Baby Di woke me up AGAIN to tell me I was too low. Now, I like to eat, but I also need my beauty sleep. I am not a nice person without sleep. So this time I was like, "Come on Baby Di! Pull yourself together. Mommy needs her rest!" Back to the kitchen I went for snack number 2. This time the sound of my crunching woke my mom. A good mom would stay up with her diabetic kid while she snacks, but a GREAT mom joins in on the snacking. So there we were at 12:15am, eating peanut butter and vanilla wafers with 2 big glasses of milk. Finally, my baby monitor told me Baby Di was good to go and back to bed we went.

Today in church my mom could barely hold her head up. Her sermon notes kept devolving into little squiggles. It wasn't because Pastor Greg's message was boring, it was because she'd been up in the night snacking with her kid! 

My dad and Skeeter slept through this entire event. Because, while I am the world's lightest sleeper (like, if a mouse toots within a five mile radius of me the noise will wake me up), my dad and Skeeter could sleep through a Riverdance performance. Or a hurricane. Or a stampede of elephants wearing tap shoes and walking on tin foil. 

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