Tuesday, April 2, 2013

"The Beetus"

March 13, 2013 I was diagnosed with diabetes. It was a shock to say the least! I workout every day but Sunday, I eat health food most people can't even pronounce (couscous, Quinoa, edamame...), I have a healthy weight and BMI, and all of my vitals are PERFECT...except for my blood glucose, which was literally off the charts when I was diagnosed. After a weekend spent at the hospital and several complete "Ugly Cry" style meltdowns, I have finally put on my big girl panties and come to terms with having "The Beetus." As a person of faith, I believe everything happens for a reason and that my diagnosis was no surprise to The Lord. That said, there are a few things you should know:

1. I didn't get diabetes from eating too much sugar. If you say, "I bet you wish you'd have eaten less sugar!" I will punch you in the throat.

2. Diabetics CAN eat sugar. So when you see me eating a banana or a some Starbursts, relax. We D's need sugar just like every other human. However, if you see me plowing through a box full of cupcakes feel free to slap the box out of my hands and tell me to pull myself together.

3. If your diabetes advice came from Google feel free to keep it to yourself. I too have Google.

4. DON'T tell me that story about your uncle who overdosed on his insulin and went into a coma and died. Or that story about your great-aunt who had diabetes and lost both legs and went blind. Diabetes knowledge and science has come a LONG way since your great-aunt's time. People can live long and healthy lives now without blindness, comas, and amputations. So please keep your creepy horror stories to yourself.

5. Kids with a mom with Type 1 have a 9% chance of getting Type 1. With a dad with Type 1 they have a 7% chance of getting Type 1. Kids with one parent with Type 2 have a 40% chance of getting Type 2. And kids with 2 parents with Type 2 have a 90% chance of getting Type 2.

6. Ask me anything. I am not afraid to answer your questions, show you my insulin needles, or talk to you about "The Beetus."

7. Pray for me. Pray that I am Type 2 (not insulin dependent). Pray that I can stay healthy and positive. Pray for a CURE. Being diagnosed a 26 sucks. And yet, so many kids are diagnosed at age 2 or 3 and literally live their whole lives with this disease.

8. Finally, it's okay to eat that candy bar in front of me. I am not going to burst into tears, or snatch it out of your hand and gobble it up and end up in a coma. Chill out. Eat your candy. It's all good. ;)