Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

This is generally the day of the year where I promise myself I will lose 10 pounds, workout every day, and learn to love salad...But by noon on January 2nd I will have decided that 5 pounds is more realistic, 4 workouts a week fits more practically into my schedule, and I will have affirmed that I still hate lettuce.

This year, for the first time since I was probably 13 years old, my New Year's resolution DOESN'T involve dieting and hating myself. 2013 was a year of HUGE changes. I got The Beetus, made a huge career change to my dream job working with kids, and am helping raise 2 beautiful little boys. Suddenly, all of the countless hours I've spent over the years worrying that my jeans size was an 8 and not a 6 seems ridiculous.

So my goals for 2014 are:

I will talk less and listen more.
I will watch tv less, and read my Bible more.
I will complain less, and encourage more.
I will worry less, and hope more.
I will doubt less, and believe more.
I will frown less, and smile more.
I be less insecure, and trust myself more.
I will be less ungrateful, and will adopt an attitude of gratitude.
I will be healthy for health's sake, not to be thin.

I also made a list of New Year's Resolutions for Skeeter. Including:

Brush my teeth without complaining.
Go potty when my Aunt Tatie tells me to.
Listen more and talk less at school and in Sunday School.
Eat more vegetables without complaining.
Listen to my wise and beautiful Aunt Tatie when she tells me not to jump on the couch because I'll fall and bust my face:

Obviously that last resolution was one he had to learn the hard way. And yes, I am saving this photograph to be used in the future. "Remember LAST time you didn't listen to me?"

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