Thursday, July 17, 2014

The "F" Word

At Kindergarten this year Skeeter learned lots of new things. Reading, writing, studying different kinds of was a very educational year!

Unfortunately, during his time in Kindergarten he also learned a new word on the playground. The word "fart." Like most little boys, he thinks saying "fart" is absolutely hilarious. He wouldn't even usually use it in a sentence like, "I farted." He would just yell "FART!" and then start laughing uncontrollably. This summer I finally had to put a ban on saying F-A-R-T. Using this word means an immediate spanking.

Last week we were at the grocery store when Skeeter said, "It smells like a fart in here." I reminded him that he can't say F-A-R-T and then popped him on the bottom. As we turned onto the next (very crowded) aisle he sighed and then loudly proclaimed, "I'm just so tired of getting in trouble for saying the "F" word all the time! I LIKE saying the "F" word!"

Other parents on the aisle whipped around and stared at me in complete horror. They didn't even want their children near me and my horrible parenting skills.

In shock, I started saying, "FART! He means fart! He's not allowed to say fart!" Because he heard me say fart 3 times, and rules are rules, he hopped off the front of the buggy and giggled while he gave me 3 hard spanks on the butt...all while the horrified parents continued to watch. 

There was really nothing to say after that. I couldn't even remember what we were on that aisle for anymore. I randomly threw pickles and peanut butter into my cart and jogged to the self check out in shame. We have since discussed that using "the "F" word" to describe fart is also not good. Now we just say "toot." Sigh.